
More of Africa

About Africa

Nigeria, is fully known as the “Federal Republic of Nigeria”, is located in West Africa, between the Sahel in the north of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea in the south. It is named after the Niger River.

Nigeria is a big country in Africa. She is an intermediate power in international affairs and an emerging global power and the largest economy in Africa.

It is composed of 36 states and the federal capital region where the capital Abuja is located. And a multi-ethnic country with more than 250 nationalities, more than 500 languages among African countries, Nigeria has the largest population and the richest ethnic regional culture and customs. 

Every year, there are grand celebrations and entertainment activities with national characteristics and commemorative significance, it attracts tourists, expatriates and businessmen from all over the world.


Nigeria’s GDP and average purchasing power rank 25th in the world. Due to its large population and developed economy, Nigeria is often called an African giant. The world bank considers it an emerging market.

It is a founding member or the African Union and a member on many international organizations, including the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the non aligned movement, the economic community of West African States and OPEC. 

It is also a member of the informal Mint group of countries and one of the next 11 economies, with area influence in Africa united.

Africa’s health and medical care, energy and economic functions are mainly set up in Nigeria, and Africa’s internal and international affairs and issues are often supported and discussed by Nigeria. 

Since 1970s, Nigeria has always is a pivotal position in the international oil industry. It joined OPEC in July 1971 and has become a long-term member state since then.


The history of Nigeria can be traced back to 2000 BC.

According to archaeological excavations, the Kainji dam in the territory and the ruins in Nsukka area in the southeast have begun to be widely used in ironmaking projects. For example, the ritual “IBO pot” of IBO Ulu IBO pot in the 9th century is extremely beautiful in terms of the complexity of its process and appearance design.

The iron age in the Niger Valley and forest areas seems to be more than 800 years before the introduction of metallurgical technology in the upper savanna.

The oldest bronzes made by artisans from Ibokvu using the dewaxing process. The material culture of the southwestern kingdom of Yoruba includesclay and bronze statues, such as the Yoruba bronze mask from obaluteng, ite.

The famous NOK civilization flourished between 1500 BC and 200 ad, marking the country s first internal reunification. At that time, the technology has reached the level of making life size terracotta figures, which was one of the earliest known sculptures in sub Saharan Africa.



is the capital of Nigeria and the seat of the central government.


the former capital city, is the earliest and largest port in Nigeria, which has now transformed into the economic center of Nigeria and Africa.

It is also one of the largest metropolises in the world and the second largest city in Africa.

Port Cities

Nigeria has large coast, and there are ports offer input and output facilities and services for larde inbound and outbound.

The state stipulates that the official language is English, which aims to promote language unity and facilitate international integration. French is also a more widely used non-native language, but people still speak dialect daily.

The three largest ethnic natives in Nigeria are Hausa, Yoruba and IBO. Religious freedom is guaranteedin Nigeria through the constitution. It is also the country with the largest number of Muslims and Christians in the world; Indigenous religions, such as the IBO and Yoruba religions, belong to ethnic minority sects.